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Al Musallam elected FINA President

HE Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, President, Qatar Olympic Committee, makes his official address at the International Swimming Federation’s – FINA General Congress 2021 held in Doha on Saturday. (Right) HE Sheikh Joaan with HE Sheikh Ah- mad Fahad Al Sabah, President, Olympic Council of Asia. HE President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Ahmad Al Sabah, HE Second Vice-President of QOC Dr. Thani bin Abdulrahman Al Kuwari, HE QOC Secretary-General Jassim bin Rashid Al Buainain, FINA President Julio Maglione, President of the International Handball Federation Dr. Hassan Mustafa, President of the Qatar Swimming Association Khalil Al Jaber, FINA members, and representatives of the swimming continental and national federations were also in attendance at the General Congress. HE Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, President, Qatar Olympic Committee, welcomed the attendees and expressed his thanks and gratitude to FINA for granting Qatar the right to host the General Congress. HE Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, President of the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC), attended the Interna- tional Swimming Federation’s (FINA) General Congress at the Sheraton Hotel Doha on Saturday.
HE President of the Olym- pic Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Ah- mad Al Sabah, HE Second Vice- President of QOC Dr. Thani bin Abdulrahman Al Kuwari, HE QOC Secretary-General Jas- sim bin Rashid Al Buainain, FINA President JulioMaglione, President of the International Handball Federation Dr. Has- san Mustafa, President of the Qatar Swimming Association Khalil Al Jaber, FINA mem- bers, and representatives of the swimming continental and national federations were also in attendance at the General Congress.
Sheikh Joaan welcomed the attendees, expressing his thanks and gratitude to FINA for granting Qatar the right to host the General Congress.
“This is the world we are all living in at the moment and we must continue to take every precaution to protect our health and the health of those around us. But as you, at FINA, are showing, this does not mean we have to stand still,” HE President of QOC said.
“There is still a lot of excel- lentworkwecandoandIam sure the decisions you take to- day will contribute to the future development of your sport.”
“Of course, this is a par- ticularly important meeting as you elect your new President, Vice Presidents, and Bureau members. We wish all those standing the very best of luck.”
“Current President Julio Maglione who has served FINA with distinction over the last 12 years. He leaves FINA in a very strong position...And he has given the future leadership an excellent foundation to build from,” His Excellency added.
HE President of QOC pointed out, “Qatar is a coun- try that is very passionate about aquatics. We had the honor of hosting the FINA World Swimming Champion- ships (25m) in 2014. And of course, we are preparing to host the FINA World Aquatics Championships & World Mas- ters Championships in 2023.”
“We have no doubt host- ing these events will only strengthen our love of your sport and inspire the next gen- eration.”
FINA President Dr. Julio
Maglione honored HE QOC President Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al-Thani in apprecia- tion of the support and efforts of His Excellency and the State of Qatar hosting many FINA events and tournaments.
Also, FINA President hon- oured HE QOC Secretary- General Jassim bin Rashid Al Buainain and President of the Qatar Swimming Association Khalil Al Jaber.
In the opening speech of the General Congress, FINA President Julio Maglione ex- pressed his happiness to be in Doha, which always hosts the FINA family with great hospi- tality, noting that despite the COVID-19 challenges, every- one is happy to be there.
Maglione congratulated
Hussein Al Muslim for his election as the new FINA President. He thanked all the national federations for par- ticipating in the General Con- gress, whether by attendance or via videoconferencing.
President of the Interna- tional Olympic Committee Thomas Bach said that this meeting comes about 48 days before the Olympic Games, which are being prepared to be held safely for all participants, explaining that holding of the Olympics under the current circumstances is a message to the world to deal with these unprecedented circumstances.
The President of the Inter- national Olympic Committee valued the efforts of the FINA, thanking Maglione in his last
meeting as chair of FINA for his efforts and work to add value to the game.
OCA President Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad stressed the importance of Qatar hosting the FINA General Congress, noting that it represents an important step for the future of aquatics.
The General Congress rati- fied the President’s report and the decisions issued by the FINA Council and approved the agenda for the meeting and the financial report.
It was also agreed to add four members representing the hosting countries for the upcoming world champion- ships, including the President of the Qatar Swimming Asso- ciation Khalil Al Jaber. Al Musallam elected FINA President HUSAIN Al Musallam was elected as president of the In- ternational Swimming Feder- ation (FINA) at the governing body’s Congress in Doha on Saturday.
The election of the Kuwaiti official was a formality, after Al Musallam was confirmed as the only candidate for the position.
Al Musallam moves into the top job after serving as the FINA first vice-president un- der Julio Maglione, who has stepped down as FINA Presi- dent after 12 years in the role.
The election of Al Musal- lam, who was nominated by the Asia Swimming Federation, was confirmed by the Congress. The Congress was held in a hy- brid format to allow members to attend either in person in Qatari capital Doha or connect virtually. A total of 319 votes were cast by FINA members in the Presidential election.
Al Musallam received 302 votes in favour, with seven candidates voting against his election and 10 abstentions.
“You are looking at the proudest and most humble man in Doha,” Al Musallam said.
“Thank you for putting your trust in me. I will not let you down. Today is the start of new journey for the aquatics family together.
“It is the culmination of a lifetime voyage for me and the
honour of being elected your President,” he sressed.
Al Musallam also paid trib- ute outgoing Maglione at the Congress. A video message was also shown from International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach praising Magli- one’s contribution to the sport and the Olympic Movement.
Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah, President, Olympic Council of Asia, was also in at- tendance at the Congress. He presented Maglione with the organisation’s Order of Merit award during the Congress.
The Congress elected 16 FINA Bureau members from continental organisations en bloc. South Africa’s Sam Ram- samy, Morocco’s Zouheir El Moufti, Uganda’s Ronald Ru- kare and Senegal’s Mohamed Diop were elected from Africa.
Paraguay’s Juan Carlos Orihuela, Barbados’ Errol Clarke, Canada’s Cheryl Gib- son and United States’ Dale Neuburger were the Ameri- cas representatives. China’s Zhou Jihong, Oman’s Taha Al Kishry and Kazakhstan’s Andrey Kryukov were elected from Asia, with Italy’s Paolo Barelli, Spain’s Fernando Carpena, Greece’s Dimitrios Diathesopoulos and Britain’s David Sparkes securing Euro- pean spots.
Matthew Dunn of Australia was the sole Oceania represent- ative. A total of 316 votes ap- proved the candidates, with one no vote and two abstentions.
HE Sheikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, President, Qatar Olympic Committee, welcomed the attendees and expressed his thanks and gratitude to FINA for granting Qatar the right to host the General Congress.

Al Musallam elected FINA President
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